At the AUG Global Campus, we offer a wide range of student services and learning resources designed to complement and help you succeed in your academic studies.
The American University of Greece Global Campus leverages the synergy between American and Greek educational philosophies to deliver a uniquely valuable online experience for both undergraduate students and graduate professionals from an international audience. This innovative approach combines the pragmatic, results-oriented focus of American higher education with the intellectual depth and critical inquiry central to Greek academic tradition.
Through state-of-the-art digital platforms, students at all levels engage with a curriculum that blends cutting-edge professional skills and industry-relevant knowledge with timeless philosophical perspectives and ethical considerations. For undergraduates, this means building a strong foundation in their chosen fields while developing critical thinking skills and a global perspective. Graduate students can further specialize and advance their careers, building on their existing knowledge and experience.
This online format allows both traditional undergraduate students and working professionals from diverse cultural backgrounds to access a truly global education, fostering cross-cultural dialogue and broadening perspectives. Undergraduate students benefit from exposure to real-world applications and interactions with experienced professionals, while graduate students gain fresh perspectives from engaging with younger learners.
Graduates at all levels emerge not only with advanced expertise in their fields but also with enhanced critical thinking abilities and a nuanced understanding of how their work fits into broader societal contexts. This distinctive educational model prepares students to be agile, ethically grounded leaders capable of navigating complex global challenges, whether they're just starting their careers or advancing in multinational corporations, international organizations, or entrepreneurial ventures.
Our NECHE accreditation and Massachusetts Board of Higher Education approval provide strong credibility in both U.S. and international markets.
Throughout your educational journey, you will interact with members of your Advisor Support Team, who will offer comprehensive academic and procedural advice, as well as encouragement and support. This team is dedicated to facilitating every aspect of your academic journey, ensuring an enriching experience.
Every program has a dedicated Program Coordinator, who is a full-time member of the faculty. They serve as academic advisors in their respective programs, ensuring that students have a reliable point of contact for academic assistance. The advisor assists the student in course scheduling and registration, helps them develop a degree-completion plan, clarifies university policies and procedures, and creates awareness of the resources available to help students succeed in their educational journey.
Send us a message to schedule a consultation with an academic advisor today at [email protected]
Once you enroll, you'll be introduced to your Student Success Coordinator (SSC). Your SSC will be your primary point of contact and support throughout your online education journey. They will provide the encouragement and assistance you need, keeping in touch through email to track your engagement in the program, monitor your learning progress, and ensure you're on track for graduation. If you have any general inquiries - whether it's related to obtaining certificates, forms, course schedules, submitting graduation documents, accessing transcripts, seeking academic advice, or any other issue - your SSC can guide you or direct you to the appropriate department within AUG for assistance.
Discover how our Student Success Coordinator can assist with your success. Contact us today at [email protected].
Our team of support services is dedicated to offering clear and concise information, allowing you to focus on the most important aspect – your academic work. Within this section, discover the support available for a high-quality online experience.
Courses in your program will require you to read academic articles, eBooks, and resources available through the Library. Perlego is the primary eBook platform used, and you can create an account with it to access readings that will be used in most of your courses. This platform offers not only academic texts but also a wide range of nonfiction bestsellers for your leisure reading. All you need to do is use your email to access it.
The AUG Global Campus offers electronic access to an extensive library collection, including a wealth of full-text articles, abstracts, financial and statistical databases, along with electronic encyclopedias and dictionaries. Our library grants access to a comprehensive array of electronic resources across all academic fields, enabling users to enhance their research and learning with access to nearly 50 databases. These include industry leaders like Clarksons Research – Shipping Intelligence Network (SIN), Datastream (Thomson Reuters), EBSCO, Emerald Insight, Financial Times, JSTOR, Lloyd's List, ProQuest Ebook Central, ScienceDirect, and many more.
Our dedicated library staff offers personalized research assistance and conducts online workshops and training sessions to improve information literacy skills and the effective use of library resources and discovery systems. Additionally, the library supports the development of online academic skills, such as reading and academic writing. We encourage students to regularly visit the main library portal to stay informed about forthcoming workshops and available support services.
Students access the library resources using their AUG network credentials.
We’re here to help you find the information you need—get in touch with our library team at [email protected]
At AUG Global Campus, we are not just another online university. We have created something truly distinctive—an education that blends the best of two worlds: American academic rigor and Greek intellectual heritage. This unique combination creates a global learning experience that is academically powerful, culturally enriching, and professionally transformative.
Please see your program page's Program Structure and Curriculum section for Technology Requirements.